PHP E-commerce Website-
Cubecart with installation in just 7 Days.
Easy Installation
checks the database and server for requirements before installing
installs using a built-in installation tool
prepopulates the basic store information
optional demo products
Global E-Commerce Ready
multiple language support
multiple tax support
multiple shipping methods
multiple currency support
multiple payment methods
Customer Status Modes
unrestricted shopping
must register to view prices
must register to view prices and merchandise
showroom only
Catalog Status Modes
showcase mode without prices
showcase mode with prices
normal shopping mode
down for maintenance mode
Categories and Products
unlimited category depth
physical merchandise
downloadable virtual products
products can reside in multiple categories
product options as dropdowns, radio buttons, checkboxes, and text input
Customer Retention Tools
periodic newsletter in plain text or HTML
order status emails and records in the customer account
referral tools
gift certificates
Promotions, Sales and Discounts
individual special prices
global sale reductions
category-wide sale prices
discount coupons
customer group discounts
quantity discounts
one-time charges
minimum and maximum purchases per product
prices by attributes
Powerful Administration Tool
configure your minimum and maximum values, image sizes and customer details
choose which layout settings to use for the spotlight listings
pick which details to show on your product details page
edit your policies pages with HTML (if desired)
add, delete, move, link or copy your products
create and manage your product attributes
manage product reviews, featured products, specials and storewide sales
shipping and payment module installation and management
price and taxation control
banner advertising controls
newsletter creation and sending
content management tool, easily add new content pages
Fully Customizable Catalog Templates
XHTML 1.0 compliant – nearly table-less layout
change the colors, fonts and many graphics using Cascading Stylesheets
add, move, remove sideboxes via the Admin Tool
template overrides that do not get overwritten during upgrades
override functionality without having to learn PHP
create as many different looks as you would like and choose them from the admin