Portals & Vortals Development

Portals &Vortals Development   
What exactly are Portals and Vortals? Can they help your business? And what do they cost to build, to maintain?

All these are very crucial questions for which you need to get concrete answers so that, it may help you to take correct decision which, in turn helps your business to grow.

We have the answers for these questions that may arise in your mind when you think of developing a Portal or a Vortal (Vertical Portal) for your organization.  
First let us look at a few basic things related to Portals and Vortals (Vertical Portals)  

What is a web portal?

Portals are often the first page your web browser which loads when you start up your web browser, like Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, etc. The term ‘web portal’ began to be used to describe mega-sites such as Yahoo, Excite, MSN, Netscape Netcenter and AOL because many users used them as a ‘starting point’ or ‘entry point’ for their web surfing.  
What is a vertical portal or vortal?  
 Vertical or niche portals are what we might have called web sites in the past. Today, however, certain category-leading web sites in a given topical category, or catering to a given demographic, are such significant players that many call them portals. The list of very popular and economically significant vertical portals is growing rapidly.  
What about Enterprise Resource Portals (ERP’s)? Corporate Portals? EIP’s? IT    Portals?  
Much of the buzz in 2000 and 2001 is about Enterprise Resource Portals (ERP’s), Enterprise Information Portals (EIP), or simply Corporate Portals. We’ve also heard terms like knowledge management portals, or IT portals, being used. This, we dare say, is the evolution of the intranet (and also what was once called the ‘extranet’?.)  
What are B2B portals?  
B2B or industry portals are in the corporate sector, like ERP’s, and are ‘vertical,’ like vertical or affinity portals. But here we see something a little bit different from either of these: Places where particular industries can go for information sharing, and most importantly, the completion of transactions.  
What a Corporate Portal can offer You?  
-PDA functions such as calendars, contact management, to-do lists, and group     scheduling.
– Access to group documents and discussion groups based on the projects you’re       currently working on.
– Publishing and subscription capabilities.
– Database access to customer records.
– Customized reports from authorized data stores.
– Company-relevant news and information from Web resources.
– Access to common business applications such as vacation/sick-leave reporting, a    corporate travel database, and automated expense reporting.
– Remote secure access.

A corporate portal can offer cost savings based on a more connected and efficient organization.

And of course, if you have an idea for a Website that is dedicated to a tightly focused group of any type, then a Vortal is perfect for you.

Website Designing India is indulged into Portals & Vortals development and maintenance contracts since a long time. We provide a solution that suits you the best!