Creative Product Catalogue software provide tools to create and manage product catalogs. Products can be distributed among custom categories tree. Category nesting is unlimited. Products and categories are very easy to manage in shopping cart administrative mode (backend). No specific skills are required for that!
Product display in user section. Unlimited Product features. Product prices from database. New Product Display. Product insert,update,delete in Administrator section by the Administrator. Large product image display.
Single level categories display. Display of products related to particular category. Category insert,update,delete in Administrator section.
Brands display in user section. Display of products related to particular brand. Brand insert, update, delete in Administrator by the Administrator.
Product search. Search of product under selected category.
User Management Tool
Customer’s Login. Forgot/Change Password. New User Sign-up. Edit Profile. List of users to Administrator. Edit user ’s profile by Administrator.
News display in user section. News insert,update,delete in Administrator section.
Product relatedl enquiry by the user /
Mailing Support
Mail for change / forgot password.
Single level FAQ Faq insert,update,delete in Administrator section.