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Web designing SMS Gateway develops today’s mainly advanced solutions for full time Short Messaging Services (SMS) management. Web designing SMS Gateway! A GSM / Web Based – SMS Application, our Windows based, Client/Server enabled GSM based – messaging solution, gives the industry’s highest level of capacity, dependability, scalability and suppleness. In addition to lightning-fast Pushing – n – Pulling messages, maintaining message logs schedule, Web designing messaging solutions offer options for making a schedule to automatically send SMS on a particular day at a particular time.
The schedules can be set to a daily frequency, weekly frequency, monthly frequency or a one-time only schedule, plus outstanding capabilities for migration to future technologies that build upon your opening investment.
Web designing SMS Gateway is a platform, which harnesses the power of SMS into an architecture that permit you to rapidly deploy text messaging capability to your existing systems, websites, applications, hardware equipment and electronic devices. It represents the strongest corporate end-to-end Text Messaging solution in the market today. Web designing SMS Gateway enables organizations to offer two-way messaging facilities to their personnel and corporate information systems using existing messaging infrastructure and line of business applications. In short, the platform supplies a fully scalable two-way end-to-end wireless solution for organizations of any size.
Web designing SMS Gateway Enterprise Edition is a Microsoft Windows desktop application that simulates in your computer, the power of a mobile phone by collecting information from your legacy systems and sending customized SMS to target audience. Web designing SMS Gateway saves time, cost and human resources and adds value to ANY organization operating on ANY business model.