As per a research study, there are about 5.11 billion unique mobile users across the world. It means that more people are using cellphones to surf the internet. Hence, businesses are focusing on creating a progressive web app to attract more target audience.
Progressive web apps are trending these days, and it is the next-generation trend for the mobile web. A progressive Web Application (PWA) is an ordinary website that works the same as a mobile application. It means PWA can be added to the main screen of the smartphone, access the hardware of the device, send push notifications, and work offline. Yes, it is right!
Progressive Web App works as sleekly in an unstable connection or the absence of a network, as it would be with ample Internet access.
Why should you care about developing progressive web apps?
According to a study, if a website loading time is more than 3 seconds, 53% of visitors will abandon a site.
Generally, a progressive web app bridges the gap between mobile and applications. With the distinct advantages of PWAs, businesses are using it to improve their presence and reach more users. PWAs are in demand because of the specifications like;
One design fits for all screen
Effortless search capabilities
Works online or offline
Anytime, anywhere access
On the go notification
User-friendly experience just like an app
In today’s fast-paced time, people are looking for quicker solutions. So, it is imperative to offer an optimal user experience to your website visitors. And, the demand for progressive web apps is increasing day by day.
Let’s have a look at the key benefits of progressive web apps.
Responsive – Irrespective of screen size and resolution, PWA fits for every screen, be it mobile, laptop, tablet, PC, or phablet. So, you do not have to worry about losing your audience because of the responsiveness of the application. Users will get the same high-quality experience in all devices with PWA.
Progressive – PWAs are built with progressive enhancement. It means that it works smoothly on every browser, for every user, on each mobile device.
Discoverable – PWAs are easily searchable by search engines because of W3C compliance and service workers. So, users can easily find your app and start exploring the offerings right away.
App-like experience – Progressive web apps offer interactive navigations and experience similar to a mobile application. It offers a slick experience to the user, where they can easily perform their intended tasks.
Security – It’s easier to launch a progressive web app in a secure environment, as more websites are programmed in HTTPS. With HTTP services user data is secure with a progressive web app. Hence, customers do not have to worry about using a credit/debit card on your PWA.
Cost-effective – A progressive web app saves up to 75% of costs compared to building a native app for development and maintenance. No doubt, there is a significant importance of native apps. And, the native apps will remain in the market.
Offline access – PWAs allow users to continue browsing even with an unstable internet connection. Service workers use Cache and Fetch APIs to load a progressive web app quickly. Besides, if there is no internet connection, PWA can still push notifications and send background updates to the user.
Bypass app store – the launching of a native app gets slow down while app developers have to deal with app stores. With the native app, you must register your account with the app stores. Also, you need to pay fees for each download and any in-app purchases. Contrarily there is no need to register with Apple or Google with PWAs.
Make quick adjustments – With PWA, you need to make any changes to the app, you do not have to send new builds to the app stores (usually it is a long process).
For instance, if you recognize there is a critical bug in your native app, the developer requires to find the problem and fix it before sending the build to Apple/Google. And, you need to wait for their approval to launch new updates for your customers. Nonetheless, PWAs enable launching bug fixes instantly without any complexities.
Compatibility – The web apps are compatible with Magento 1 &2. Thus, you do not have to migrate to Magento 2 immediately.
Apart from these benefits, PWA is lightweight. The app weight is reduced by 80-90% for faster browsing experience. Also, it permits a seamless browsing experience, which is essential to converse and interacts with the customers.
No doubt, there is a significant importance of native apps. And, the native apps will remain in the market. However, as an eCommerce site, restaurants, and media resources looking to captivate more audiences, progressive web apps are the preferable choice. The mentioned key benefits help businesses to get maximum ROI. In fact, the companies are adopting the trend to develop a progressive web app rather than building a native or hybrid application.
Some of the foremost eCommerce and smartphone app development company holds the expertise to design and develop a progressive web app for your business. The dedicated team of seasoned developers collaborates with you to develop a robust app that offers the best user experience. Spare a moment to get in touch with the experts to get the progressive web application that best matches your business needs.