WordPress Customization

WordPress Customization – Get to know everything!

If you’re new to WordPress, then you would like to know that customizing WordPress is easy than you actually feel. If you are using WordPress for the first time then you just need to know little about the WordPress dashboard – Themes, Pages, Appearance, Post, Widgets, Menus, Plug-ins, Tools and Users.

WordPress Customization Tutorials – Knowing about Posts

Posts are generally used for writing blogs. If you are a blogger or a writer who wants to publish content online then Posts in WordPress is the best option for you! It can be said as content records of your blogs which a posted on your website in reverse chronological order which represents the time-line of your post.

The different options that are available when you start about with writing your blog are as follows:

  • All Posts – Provides a detailed view of all the posts that appear on your website along with important attributes like Author, Categories and Tags.
  • Add New – Provides an interface for adding a new post for writing your blog. You can add post with your content along with supporting media. There are various tools available for customizing your blogs.
  • Categories –  Helps you sort your blogs in different categories.
  • Tags – Helps you tag you blogs.

WordPress Customization Tutorials – Knowing about Pages

Pages in WordPress indicate the different pages of your website where you can display information about your product , your services or even yourself. It can be supported with various media content that can make the pages more engaging and help visitors understand about what you want to showcase on your website.

The different options that are available when you get started with creating your Pages are as follows:

  • All Pages – Provides a detailed view of all the pages that appear on your website. It’s same like Post but as mentioned earlier posts are used for blogs while pages are used for creating website pages.
  • Add New – Gives you an option to add new pages which will appear on the website once you publish them.

WordPress Customization Tutorials – Knowing about Appearance

The Appearance tab contains few important options like Themes, Customize, Widgets and Menus

What are Themes in WordPress?

Themes provide an important and useful interface for choosing available and pre – designed themes which are provided both by WordPress as well as various developers that make great themes which can make your website look awesome!

You can select any theme and get a live preview of the theme and also customize it according the look you desire to have of your website.

Customize Your Websites Home Page!

Customize can help you alter the Home page of your website and design that can fit your requirements. It provides an easy-to-understand and easy-to-use interface. Your website name, your website logo, menu, footer, social links on home page, your products or services can be added and altered using Customize.

 Widgets and why to use them?

A WordPress Widget is a design-ready interface that perform user-specific functions. WordPress gives users to control the graphical interface of the website through Widgets. Widgets can be added, removed or even change to work for you to perform specific function.

WordPress Customization Tutorials – Knowing about Plug-ins

Plug-ins extend the user’s functionality that are readily available on WordPress. Plug-ins offered have unique functionality and make the website more dynamic in terms of its look as well as usability. For each of your requirement, there is a plugin available on WordPress that can help you with fulfilling your needs.

WordPress Customization Tutorials – Knowing about Tools

Tools in WordPress provides various functionality like importing data from other website or exporting data from existing WordPress website to another. These options are available under Tools as ‘Import‘ and ‘Export‘.

WordPress Customization Tutorials – Knowing about Users

Users are significant part of WordPress. Users have authoritative rights with various levels of permissions to view, access, edit and delete various parts and options of the website. The User has three options available under its own which are as follows:

All Users – Provides a detailed summary of all the users and their role on the WordPress Dashboard.

Add New – Provides an interface to add new users with their information like name, email, password and role.

Your Profile – Provides an interface to add, edit and delete the existing user’s information on WordPress Dashboard.

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